Expert consensus on HPV infection and HPV-associated diseases(2017)
Specialized committee of human papilloma virus infection diseases of cross of cross-strait association of precision medicine of Fujian province
[ Abstract] HPV infection is a major cause of some benign and malignant lesions in human, research of HPV infection disease goes deeper and are gradually developing from obstetrics and gynecology to multidisciplinary. At present, there are some shortcomings, In this paper. We have reached a specialist consensus of HPV infection diseases from the following aspects: cervical cancer screening model on china’s future; Establishment of HPV infection genotypes databases in cervical cancer lesions; Cervical cancer screening in pregnancy women: HPV detection in men; HPV detection and diagnosis and treatment in CA cases. We suggest that the department of related government make better use of the hrHPV detection technology for cervical cancer screening in china; we recommend that doctors use the liquid cytology examination and HPV typing detection for the medical outpatients; we suggest that the doctors use the hr HPV and lr HPV typing detection for the gestation women and CA cases of the both sexes, meanwhile we pay attention to the HPV typing detection in men genital organs and semen.
[Key words] Human papillomavirus; Infection disease; Test; specialist; consensus
人乳头瘤病毒( human papillomavirus,HPV) 感染可引起人类的一组疾病,HPV不但可引起良性疾病,还可以诱发恶性肿瘤,即涉及到多学科的疾病。 2017年8月25-26 日在南京市召开 “2017年HPV感染疾病专家共识研讨会” ,会间福建省海峡两岸精准医学协会 HPV感染疾病专业委员会成员就“HPV感染疾病相关问题” 讨论后达成共识。 本共识旨在推动多学科HPV感染相关疾病防控工作在我国有序的开展。 文章对HPV型别、亚型和变异体的定义及致病力的分类,中国未来宫颈癌筛查的模式,建立宫颈病变HPV感染分型数据库,女性妊娠期宫颈癌的筛查,男性生殖器及精液 HPV 的检测和研究,两性尖锐湿疣(condyloma acuminate, CA ) 患者HPV检测和诊治等内容进行论述。 现将全文发表如下。
1 HPV型别、亚型和变异体的定义 1.1型别 有10% 以上DNA基因组序列与已知的型别不同,即为一个新的基因型或型别。 1.2亚型 DNA 基因组序列差异在2-10%之间,即为一个新的亚型。 1.3变异体 DNA 基因组序列差异在2%以下,即为一个新的变异体[1-3] 。